Inside config Thousand
The Dungeon

The Dungeon is where all ideas begin (.. and in some cases, end!). All work projects will be displayed here.

If you would like to showcase your projects, then email and I will display all your machinations.

Space Hulk Terminator Squad

Getting back into Space Hulk (with plaster-cast board sections) means getting a terminator squad ready. I had 5 of the new multipart plastic terminators primed black and ready for a paint job.

Now for a chapter... I would ideally have liked to use some Forgeworld parts to customise my guys but since they were built already that ruled out any chapters made by FW.

So it came down to a number of choices - 1 of the chapters from the Badab War would probably suit me. I have always liked the Space Sharks from RT days and the Mantis Warriors. With a vague mention of the Tranquility campaign and a colour scheme to match I thought the Mantis Warriors would do the trick.

The other chapter I really liked was the Red Hunters. These guys have no background and their chapter symbol includes the ]I[ iconography. Mysterious...

However, the Mantis Warriors did it for me but I have included some of the mock ups of the other chapters FYI.

Space Hulk Terminator Squad
Space Hulk Terminator Squad
Space Hulk Terminator Squad
Space Hulk Terminator Squad
Space Hulk Terminator Squad

Cryx Jacks

With our gaming group's foray into Iron Kingdoms i chose Cryx probably because they are undead and I have a real thing for necromantic activities.

I went for a corroded, ancient feel to the jacks in my Cryx force and I will try and carry it forward with the casters and any units I add to my force.

Cryx Jacks
Cryx Jacks
Cryx Jacks
Cryx Jacks


These lovely models were supplied by a texan water mammal, cast in resin, these multi-part models were a welcome addition to my Thousand Sons forces, providing valuable anti-air support.

Squad Ankhet - Thousand Sons Terminators

Squad Ankhet began with a couple of spare plastic terminator bodies and some extra metal thousand sons parts.

This squad will be a full 9-man unit when finished, a pretty nice unit to drop on your opponent!

Squad Ankhet - Thousand Sons Terminators
Squad Ankhet - Thousand Sons Terminators
Squad Ankhet - Thousand Sons Terminators
Squad Ankhet - Thousand Sons Terminators

Dreadnought Ptahotep

This dreadnought began life as an imperial dreadnought. I wanted to get across the effect of a trapped Thousand Sons marine, previously entombed in the dreadnought sarcophagus, trying to escape.

With the release of the Bloodbowl Khemri star player I had found the ideal model to be used. Cutting off his legs and excavating the dreadnought body achieved the effect.

Now that he was out of his shell, I attached chains running from his arms to his dreadnought close combat weapons to get the effect of him manually controlling his weapons, dragging them, almost an extension of his body.

Dreadnought Ptahotep
Dreadnought Ptahotep
Dreadnought Ptahotep
Dreadnought Ptahotep
Dreadnought Ptahotep
Dreadnought Ptahotep
Dreadnought Ptahotep
Dreadnought Ptahotep